Mudrunner pc map blacked out
Mudrunner pc map blacked out


While the adventure begins in a pickup it doesn’t take long to graduate to something bigger.


It’s not only useful for getting un-stuck but also towing broken-down vehicles back to the home garage, where repairs are free but buying new trucks is expensive. The winch is easily one of your best friends and can be attached to multiple parts of the truck’s body. There are a lot of different things a truck can do so that initially feels like a waste, right up until you’re on a steep incline making no progress and needing to deploy the winch without rolling backwards. The first thing you need to do before leaving is tap the right bumper, which is a dedicated button for the hand brake. It takes a while to really understand why the controls work as they do, in fact. On the rare moment of driving on a tarred road the view can be put back to a more traditional angle, but for the most part SnowRunner is spent worrying about the next dozen feet of travel. This is because tire placement is important the difference between spinning in the mud or bouncing over a ridge between ruts.

mudrunner pc map blacked out

The vehicles are a little awkward to control and the camera’s default position looks at the truck rather than the scenery. As a general rule, in fact, slow is better than fast, up to a point. SnowRunner is a little different from most driving games, in that it’s not about speed in the slightest. There’s no snow yet in the starting map, but it’s coming. You’re a pickup truck bouncing over muddy terrain, off to get the supplies necessary to repair a washed-out bridge in scenic Michigan.

mudrunner pc map blacked out


While the truck has a driver he’s more prop than character, just there for the look of the thing, and it doesn’t take long to forget his existence. You start with a truck in the corner of a large map, most of which is blacked out.

mudrunner pc map blacked out

The basics of SnowRunner will be instantly familiar to anyone who’s played the earlier games. There are more vehicles than ever to attack the wilderness with, and conversely more wilderness than ever to attack back. Spintires became MudRunner (long story) improving all the while, and now MudRunner has a sequel in the form of SnowRunner. Spintires was a game about hauling the beefiest trucks mankind has created through wilderness that’s every bit a match for the heavy steel horsepower being brought to bear against it. What on Earth has all that random wildlife been doing with its time? The great outdoors is a mess, just a mass of inconveniently chaotic terrain that, true, has incredible majesty when viewed from a properly distant perspective, but the second you need to travel through it the vivid splendor turns into sweaty bug-infested aggravation. The untamed wilderness, filled with the beauty of nature and the primal struggle for survival! The… endless mud-pits, random boulders, inconvenient trees, and random dips and rises in the terrain.

Mudrunner pc map blacked out