Players guide to the changing breeds pdf 4shared
Players guide to the changing breeds pdf 4shared

Lost limbs can also be healed but will take a week, and is painful. Healing: Ananasi heal both as normal humans, and can heal themselves by spending blood. Unless otherwise stated, the information below is for the other forms.

players guide to the changing breeds pdf 4shared

In the Crawlerling form, health works very different. Willpower: Ananasi may lack Rage and having a strange psyche, but they can use Willpower in the same way as Garou and the other Fera, including ignoring wounds, ignoring primal urges, and halting (induced) frenzies. Īnanasi suffer no more ill effects of sunlight or other bright light sources than ordinary humans do. It is not unusual for an Ananasi to live as an ordinary human at day, but at some nights acting out their other nature, to hunt for blood, meet other supernatural creatures, carry out their duties, etc. They need the same amount of sleep as ordinary humans. Sleep cycle: An Ananasi can choose their own sleep cycle freely in the same way as ordinary humans can, though most prefer to be nocturnal, and many have a preference to dark, desolate places out of the sun. Supernatural creatures are generally immune, though they may still be impressed, and have their interest piqued that way. Except in very unusual circumstances this ability only works in Homid and on ordinary humans. Many Ananasi use this as a way to get to feed blood from humans. The Ananasi do this by consciously spreading pheromones. This works identical as Animal attraction for Garou (in older editions the difficulty depended on the user's own Rage, so Ananasi were instead given a difficulty of 4). Sex Appeal: Despite their somewhat detached nature, Ananasi can be just as, if not even more of, sexual predators than the Garou. It is a common misconception that the terms are synonyms, but a poison must be ingested to take effect. In a few places what the Ananasi injects with their fangs into their victims is called "poison".


Birds are also warm-blooded, so Ananasi will gain full nutrition from them too. In some places "mammal" and "warm-blooded" are incorrect used as synonyms. The chewing parts are called "mandibles". The correct term for the fangs is "jackknife chelicera", though simply "fangs" is also correct. This is incorrect, as that is the term for the small arms (or antenna) that spiders have aside from their eight legs. The fangs of the Ananasi are in several places called "pedipalps". Where it says something like "spiders and other insects" it should read "spiders and other arthropods" (arthropods includes aside from arachnids also among others insects, spiders, millipedes, as well as crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, shrimp, krill and woodlice). This is a taxonomical error, as spiders are arachnids, and not insects (arachnids include spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites and others). In a few places, the Ananasi are refereed to as "insects" rather than "spiders". It is easiest to treat these as synonyms. In some sources a spider-born Ananasi is called "Arachnos" while in others "Arachnid". However, with the Storyteller's permission, gifts from such lists could still be used.

players guide to the changing breeds pdf 4shared

The lists of Gifts varies considerable, but statements of using Garou lists should be viewed as suggestions to approximate, and nothing more. Only CB20 states that they may use venom even in Homid. In Second Edition of Players Guide (but no other book) spirits who teaches gifts are listed, and there is no mention of Ananasa acting as a teacher, implying that Ananasi learn gifts only from spirits like other changing breeds. The venom of the Ananasi is not mentioned in the oldest sources. If an Ananasi gains blood points from blood from non-warm blooded animals varies between books. The distinction between leaders and drones in Crawlerling was not present in older sources, and the Ananasi did not have to worry about losing memories. They were also described as being very rare, sensitive to pesticides, and only following the Weaver or the Wyrm. Ananasi are also depicted much more as "living vampires" than they are in later sources (only nocturnal, dependent on blood and incapable of eating anything else). In older sources there are no clear distinction between Hatar, Antara and Kumo (goblin spiders).

Players guide to the changing breeds pdf 4shared